During this presentation I make the case for a disasterous event taking place around 13,000 years ago. A series of meteorites hit northern Canada and knocked the earth 22 degrees off its axis. The north pole shifted from Southern Greenland to a point near it present location. I believe that the movement was sudden and catastrophic. Oceans were tossed out of their beds and hurled inland hundreds of miles. I think the Sahara Sea was tossed across Egypt and created the limestone Giza Plataeu when it receded. I believe the pyramids built on top of the Giza plataeu were built after this disaster and I believe the middle pyramid marks the location of a lost pyramid trapped in the limestone sediment. I believe the lost libary chamber is buried under that old pyramid.
Here is a three dimensional model I drew of the Giza Plateau based on a 19th century British survey map I was given access to by the British Library.
I believe the middle pyramid, called the Khafre is more important than the Great Pyramid. The Khafre has the Sphinx in front of it. The “great” Pyramid does not. The Khafre Pyramid sits on a bulging portion of the plateau…. as if something large was buried under it. The Khafre Pyramid is not mentioned by the Egyptian Historian and Chief Priest Manetho in his History of Egypt. He was ordered to write the history of Egypt for the invading Greeks and Macadonians. He included the construction dates of the Great Pyramid and the “third” pyramid. But he left out any information about the Khafre. Manetho’s primary job as Chief Priest of Egypt was to guard the location of the Library of Egypt. Could he have withheld any information about the Khafre pyramid to keep the Greeks and Macedonians from discovering the library? Legend says the library contains all the knowledge of Egypt going back 29,000 years to maybe as much as 34,000 years. The knowledge is written on tablets of solid gold. Gold does not rust or decay and is a logical material to record historical information meant to be preserved for all time.
The people in the picture above are walking in front of the Valley Temple. It is a couple of hundred feet lower in elevation than the base of the Khafre Pyramid pictured behind the Sphinx. The Temple stones are enormous, tight fitting, and very worn. Renovated stonework was installed inside the Temple to reface the old stones. This was done before Manetho’s time. This site was revered for many generations and carefully preserved. I think a site with that much architectural attention indicates something important is hiding within the stones.
While I was in Peru I studied a giant cliff carving called El Candelabra. * It has not rained in this part of Peru for 7,000 years. It is possible that the carving is that old. The vertical lines with plumes I believe are similar to Polyneasian pillar star symbols, used to navigate the ocean. The fact that three star symbols were used in the carving reminded me of the Giza plateau in Egypt and how the three pyramids are aligned with the three stars of Orion’s belt. I wondered if this carving was associated with the Giza Plataeu.
* If you go the link on El Candelabra, scroll down a page and a half to find the photo and description.
Peru is tilted such that its coastline is perpendicular to Egypt. In fact the entire continent of South America almost points towards Egypt. Did someone in the distant past place this carving on the other side of the world as a clue to the location of the missing library of Egypt? Could that person have done so in the hopes that only an advanced civilization, one that had rediscovered global navigation and map making, might be refined enough to be trusted with the knowlege of antiquity and not melt it down or destroy it?
Pictured below is the model I drew for Second Sight to measure the distances my characters had to walk underground to reach the buried step pyramid under the base of the Khafre. The shaft leading to the chamber is shown at the bottom of the image.
Since the stepped pyramid would have been constructed before the earth was tilted on its axis, I showed the stepped pyramid rotated in plan so that it was facing towards the old north pole. The Khafre and the other two pyramids are amoung the few pyramids I have studied that point towards present day north.
In the picture above, the Khafre and the great Pyramid and the third Pyramid are shown above in purple. The older buried stepped pyramid is shown in yellow. Notice that the grand causeway that leads from the Khafre past the Sphinx and to the Valley Temple is pointing in the direction of old East. Before the Earth was tilted, the sun rose at the end of this causeway. To the right is a cut away section of the Khafre, the Stepped pyramid below it, the shaft, and the triple chamber beneith it.
Strange things happened during my first visit to the Giza Plateau. A sand storm hit which is rare for Giza. A rare two inch thunder storm flooded Cairo. When the storm clouds parted, they seemed to be affected by the Khafre and not by the Great pyramid or the third pyramid. Notice the clouds parting above the Khafre in the picture above.
Here I am pictured with the chief archiologist of the Giza Plataeu. My translator is to the right of me. One of the assistant archeologists is pictured to the left. I was invited to his field office on Giza to present my theory of the existence and location of the lost library of Egypt. He immediately called the Supreme Council and arranged for a meeting with Dr. Hawass’s staff. I presented my study of the Khafre and showed the asymetry of the existing known chamber, showed how it was perfectly off center to allow an undiscovered shaft to be positioned directly under the Khafre. Dr. Hawass has since invited me back to Egypt anytime I can make the trip. I will need to succeed with the publishing efforts in order for that to happen.
Pictured below are further studies I did in three dimensions showing how a buried step pyramid and a library chamber could fit under the Giza Plateau, conforming to the porportions of the Peruvian cliff carving El Candelabra. Pictured next to El Candelabra is the ancient symbol for Sulphuric Acid. There are many legends about a place deep in the earth where sulphur burns and smoke fills the air. Some call it hell. I wonder if the legends are a dim memory and an intentional distortion to scare primitive people and keep them from finding the lost Library. In the Bible** there is a prophecy about an Angel who is given a key to the shaft of the abyss. When the abyss is opened, smoke rises into the air like the smoke of a furnace. Very important and benificial things happen for people who are being persecuted during that prophisied day. The symbol for Sulphuric acid shown in the picture below to the left of the symbol for El Candelabra, includes a horizontal line with two curved lines. This is a sub symbol and very ancient. It is the Egyptian symbol for key. I wondered if this symbol was telling us that Sulphuric acid was the key that could open the shaft of the abyss as mentioned in Revelation chapter 9 of the Bible ? Could the abyss be the vault? Could the key also represent the classic Egyptian ramp system that I have seen at other sites in Egypt, such as the ramps leading underground to tombs in the Valley of the Kings? Alot of ifs. But that is what makes science and exploration fun. The what ifs are what keep us going. Without the vision of the ifs, we fade away and perish.
Below is a rotated view of the three dimensional study. The Valley Temple is pictured in the lower right corner .
Below is a follow up rendering I sent to the Council in Egypt showing where I think the Library chamber is located and how it might be accessed using the ancient symbol for Sulphuric Acid as a clue. I wonder if Manetho used an underground ramp system to access the buried library chamber. I wonder if he walled up its entrance when the Greeks arrived to conceal its location? When I explored the Khafre, I was struck by its perfection and several signs of ancient “patch jobs” to certain walls that gave the appearance of having been done quickly. The end wall opposite the entrance side to the known chamber under the Khafre appears to be a later patch. The lowest wall in the Mother in Law pyramid in front of the Khafre also appears to have been plugged.
As an Architect I was taught a cardinal rule of design: Form follows function. Anything built follows a design that fullfills a desired functional need using the least amount of effort and material. The Valley Temple was renovated sometime in deep antiquity, long before Manetho and the invading Greeks. New granite facing stones were cut and precisely fitted inside the temple. Granite was used everywhere….except in two places. One section of the Valley Temple interior was plugged with two pieces of softer limestone. Why? What functional need required the change of material?
Were the softer limestone panels hastilly installed by Manetho when the Greeks invaded to hide the entrance to the ramp leading down to the Library?
Limestone dissolves in sulphic acid. Granite does not. The granite walls were cut in such a way that they even turn corners using solid pieces. Notice in the slide below the picture in the upper right, showing the curved corners above my head. This took either enormous time or as the curved corners suggest, technology existed before Manetho’s time that allowed these stones to be machine cut relatively quickly. Manetho did not posess this possible lost technology and had to hand chisel softer limestone panels into the two places in the wall.
As I mention in the lecture slide below, the floor of the Valley Temple is made of alabaster. Alabaster releases a toxic smoke when acid is poured on it, except when Sulphuric acid is used. Sulphuric acid did not react violently to the alabaster sample I tested with the help of a couple of very good chemistry friends in their well equipped lab. Is it possible that Suphuric acid is the prophetic key that opens the shaft to the abyss without killing the person trying to get in if she or he accidently spills acid on the floor?
Pictured below are the two limestone panels. I hope to return someday soon and meet with my friends in Egypt to further discuss this theory. I deeply appreciate the help they gave during my previous visit and the special access I had to the sites. Wouldn’t it be something if the Library is there? I hope whoever finds it protects it from any “editing” . Whatever is written on those tablets is meant for all humankind and could provide important knowledge of not only our deep past, but critical knowledge of how we can survive our not so distant future.
Thank you again for your interest and support !
J F Althouse
If you would like to purchase Second Sight or Second Birth, please click here:
** Here is a Scripture passage from the Bible that seems to mention the shaft and the chamber :
Revelation 9 New International Version (NIV)
“The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads…”
This passage to me seems to indicate that whatever comes out of the Abyss, it doesn’t harm good people. By good I would suggest it means people who do the following: They love the Creator as they would love the person who raised them, if they were lucky enough to be raised by a loving and supportive adult. And they would love every single person on earth as if they were their next door neighbor. Gentle, giving people like that would have nothing to fear if they saw smoke rising from Giza. In fact if they were threatened by dangerous people, they would probably want to run towards it, regardless of what frightening things flew out of the smoke and over their heads. These creatures could be the legendary weapons that do not rust or decay remembered in Egyptian legend that were hidden by the “gods” when they learned an immense disaster was coming some day to destroy their civiliazation. This legenday chamber contains the knowledge of egypt protected by weapons that never deteriorate and are apparantly designed to protect the library and protect widows and fatherless children. When I am published I hope to devote more time to articles like these and go into more detail about the fascinating parallels in stories I have heard and read that seem to point to a distant past where people were very advanced, knew what our future held, and did all they could to help us survive it.