At this point in the talk I switched to an Autocad
model of the History of Egypt by Manetho
Here I am showing compass data I took at various pyramid and temple sites around the world. I noticed that foundations of ancient structures tend to point away from the Magnetic North Pole. European pagan temple foundations point west of magnetic north. American pyramid and temple foundations point east of magnetic north. Where they criss cross is where the magnetic north pole used to be about 13,000 years ago.
Here I placed a red marker indicating the magnetic north pole circa 11,000 BCE ( or 13,000 years ago)
This is where things get really interesting ! I then drew a theoretical arctic circle around the pole.
Then during one of my trips to Los Angeles I found a book by a Russian scientist that mapped where all the ice age mammoths and woolly rhinoceros were found buried in the permafrost. What got my attention was the big oval space where none were found.
Drum roll
The red field is where the mammoths and rhino’s were found. See how the “kill zone” lays outside the perimeter of the old Arctic Circle?
The earth and the stars relate much better if we tilt the earth back the way it was 13,000 years ago. We could get up at night and tell what time it was by noting where the constellations were located all the way around us.
Unfortunately something seems to have knocked the Earth off its axis 13,000 years ago, and did suddenly and violently.
Here is my theory on what happened that fateful day.
The culprit of this disaster was something called the Feathered Serpent. Apparently cultures in Egypt and Central America both identify this culprit in their architecture.
It took three visits to the Louvre in Paris over a period of ten years before I noticed the two “suns” in this Assyrian carving.
Notice how the Yin Yang symbol seems to rotate counter clockwise, matching the direction the solar system rotates when viewed from “above”.
Here is an early model I made on AutoCad that tries to illustrate how our solar system could be constructed of our sun and planets (Yellow) along with an as yet undiscovered dead star with planets that may share a “dosey doe” orbital pattern with our solar system.
Otherwise known as a Binary Star System. Here is how a Binary System “dances”.
To the left is the dead star and to the right is the Sun and nine planets plus two, no wait three, dang no four exoplanets which really aren’t planets just like Pluto isn’t a planet, even though he acts like one and the Mayan called him a planet and—
So how did our Sun become part part of a binary star system?
I think he was born into it.
Hope this gets you thinking. Please feel free to comment here or on my public facebook page.
You do not need to friend me. (can’t believe that’s a verb now).
Thank you !