Here is the power point from the discussion. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, your questions, and your attention!
We will have the electronics cooperating next time we meet. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to pass them onto me through your teacher or your parents / guardians. My email address is
Here is the Google Earth model I have been working on that shows how the earth may have looked before the end of the Second Age, the Age of Atlantis.
It shows how the world’s landmasses may have looked when the oceans were about 800 feet lower. According to this theory, the oceans catastrophically rose about 400 feet and then continued to rise an additional 400 feet over the following centuries up until present time. The rise in ocean levels was theoretically triggered by the melting of a large north pole ice cap, deposited during an earlier global catastrophe that may have occurred around 30,654 B.C.E. if Manetho’s history of Egypt and the correlation with the Inca calendar are accurate. Thousands of years later, this massive ice cap was exposed to immediate catastrophic melting when ancient North America was struck by a meteorite swarm that triggered the tilting of the world event remembered in several ancient cultures. The meteorite impacts may have jarred the Earth 22 degrees off its axis, causing the crust to shift and bunch up like a blanket pushed across the bed, with the mantle shifting underneath the same direction but at a slower rate. The friction caused by the unequal movement of the crust and the mantle may have triggered multiple volcanic eruptions directly under the ice cap and throughout the surrounding tundra. The lower third of the ice cap could have melted similar to what’s been observed on a smaller scale in Iceland during volcanic activity. Magma shoots super heated water and steam sideways out from under the weight of the upper portion of the ice cap, and flooding south and south west across the north american continent.
But how did the ice cap form in the first place?
Wesley Patten was the first to come up with the theory of the world being inundated by space ice pulled from a intruding ice planet . According to Patten, the icy planet would have been between the size of Mars and the Moon. The ice would have boiled off of the surface during the ice planet’s transit past the sun. The ice would have formed a massive tail like a super comet. This ice would have been electrically charged by the sun and attracted to the magnetic north pole of the earth. He believes that 11 million cubic miles of ice chilled to absolute zero descended onto the then temperate forested north pole, that grew into a three mile thick ice cap in about seven hours. The passing of the space ice through the atmosphere would have caused the atmospheric humidity to condense, unleashing a horrific flood. This model may explain how and why the antarctic ice cap, which may have formed during a later catastrophe at the end of the Third Age, is three miles thick at the center with a third of the deposited ice under water. It formed so fast, the resulting Ice Cap did not melt.
Patten died in obscurity because he could not reconcile the impossibility of a planet that large orbiting the sun and going past the earth. A planet that large would only be able to orbit the sun as close as Jupiter’s orbital path. What Wesley didn’t have time to consider before he passed was running his calculations under the assumption the sun had a binary twin. The introduction of a binary twin with its own planets orbiting around it and occasionally trespassing through the solar system without orbiting the sun, provides the architecture necessary to make Patten’s model work. Patten may have begun the process of discovering that our solar system was a much more complex system of two sets of planetary bodies orbiting two stars approximately 1.3 light years apart, contained within the Oort Cloud, and explaining why the Oort Cloud inner face is oval instead of spherical. If this model is correct, then everything we think we know about the solar system will change the moment someone proves this theory correct or a variation of the same. Will it be you?
We then talked about pyramids and how they are numerous and world wide. We also discussed their possible true function which is to provide ready access to high ground when a tidal wave is forming.