Kate is whisked off Earth by a Nephillim starship before a poisonous comet explodes over the Pacific. She is freed by a ragtag company of human soldiers and sailors from many time periods, led by David, a Korean War navy pilot. They hide in the bowels of the starship as it endlessly shuttles between the Sun and distant Sirius, barely aging as time and space race past them.
The Nephillim ship has ferried thousands of frozen humans, including David’s little daughter, to a massive holding camp. David leads a daring attempt to commandeer the ship. They crash on an ancient Nephillim world near Sirius. Kate discovers ancient secrets and present truths from technology found among the ruins. Earth is dying. But hope for humanity sleeps on Sirius. Can they build a new home hidden in the heart of the Nephillim Empire and rescue their people?
The downside of a good novel is having to say goodbye to the characters. When I finished Second Birth I continued writing Jordan and Suri’s story. We stay in touch with Jordan and Suri in all the novels. Levi, Aizah, and Aaron appear briefly in the novels following First Earth. Like Amon in Third Way, Kate gets a leading role in Colony.
I interviewed veterans of different wars and branches of service in preparation for writing Colony. I met former POW’s, some from other countries, and heard their terrifying stories and heroic actions. Each strove to be selfless, putting others ahead of themselves no matter how dire circumstances. Sometimes they succeeded. Sometimes they failed. But none of them gave up. They helped me understand the logistics of building a theoretical colony from scratch in the middle of a vast wilderness with no hope of returning home. It was amazing how they got into the concept. My fanciful battle scenerios were carefully fleshed out. They helped me with tactics, supply, and execution. I was given a tour of a naval air station. I learned about how modern aircraft were moved about, launched, landed, and diverted. We went point by point on how a remote base might be organized and made operational and sustainable. Jungle tactics using primitive weapons against opponants twice the height of a human was no problem with these guys! If Anakim ever visit the Earth, they’d better not tick off the Marines.
I am especially indebted to the Naval Academy and the access I was granted to their personell and resources. Colony started out being my toughest book in the series. It is now the most enjoyable.
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Thank you to all who served. My prayers are with all who struggle with the aftermath of war, those in uniform and their loved ones. I plan to continue donating to Operation Paperback and hope to fund other areas of support if this series proves to be successful.