Getting ready for our trip out to the islands.
Need hot water in your shower? No problem just reach right up and turn on the switch powering your electric hot water heater attached right to the shower head.
Trees in the tropics lose their leaves just like they do in northern climates. Trees do this all over the world in order to display their fruit to passing animals. In this case trees are hoping to attract Elephants that used to live in Belize thousands of years ago. The elephants ate the fruit and after a few days of travel, deposited the germinating seeds onto the ground. This symbiotic relationship between specific animal / plant partners seems to be the prime method Nature uses to spread and reforest the world. The Americas would benifit from the reintroduction of elephants. Giant tree species struggling to reproduce would be able to rapidly reforest extensive parts of the Americas if they were aided by the ingestion, germination in stomach, transportation to open ground, and deposition of sprouting seeds protected in mounds of feces.
Boat ride through the mangroves
Sorry no I don’t have any information about this skull. Except that I saw it in the hallway of the Ministry of Archaeology in Belize in 2002 and that it was not a gorilla.