Powerpoint Presentation I have given on the possible science behind what could have caused the global flood remembered by fifty cultures on six continents.
This is the powerpoint saved as a series of JPEG images. It accompanied the talk I gave at several schools and civic groups. My book First Earth deals with the science behind what triggered the flood and the implications this theory would have on our understanding of our solar system’s architecture should this theory be proven accurate. Patten almost had it figured out. Unfortunately he tried to make the theory work without considering the possibility of the Sun having a binary companion. Slides follow.
Here is an early version of my theory of the Sun being part of a binary star system. The only way Patten’s theory of a rogue ice planet triggering the flood can work is if the ice planet is orbiting an as yet undiscovered dead star that shares a binary orbit with our sun. See more recent powerpoints on my Facebook page and my website JFAlthouse.com for refinements and discoveries supporting this theory including a proposed date for when the Flood occurred.
I no longer believe the twin star is a black hole. I believe it is the husk of a primary star that bled out of its poles and lost enough mass to prevent remaining a functioning star.