On February 2nd and 7th I speculated on my FaceBook page that 2012 DA14 might have a companion that would appear before the arrival of 2012DA14. I though it would be taking the same course as 2012DA14. I did not expect it to come from the exact opposite direction. The Russian meteorite that struck this morning traveled in a north to south direction at 33,000 mph. It hit around 15:20 UTC . The asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass south to north and miss earth. It will be traveling at 17,450 MPH. The fact that both of these objects are not orbiting in the planetary plane and hit earth in the statistical kill zone on this side of the solar system has my head reeling. Remember the movie Wrath of Kahn? The line Spock gave Kirk : “He is demonstrating two dimensional thinking captain.”
What if there is a small but powerful black hole 2.5 lights away from our sun located somewhere in the direction of Leo? What if this black hole is the parent star that birthed our sun when it died and became a black hole? What if the sun never escaped the black hole’s gravitational grip and the two became a binary star system? What if there is material orbiting the black hole in a three dimensional orbital pattern that sends objects such as planetoids, meteors, comets, etc. through our solar system? what if this ring of material is the width of the distance the earth travels in two months? What if the densest part of this ring is where our earth is right now?
The tilting of the earth in the ancient past circa 11,000 BCE and the turning of Uranus completely on its side could be explained by north south and south north objects striking them.
I would like to make a guess that we are still at risk of another fly by during the next four weeks. Since this is the end of a Mayan Piktun and the start of the next Piktun. Significant celestial events seemed to have been linked to major calendar mileposts in the Mayan system. Another fly by could be quite spectacular but not an extermination event. The mayans were clear that a major extermination event does not come until 4077 CE
I suspect that another meteor is nearby possibly following the same track as the Russian meteorite. Larger objects may tend to follow smaller ones.
If another meteorite hits, an early warning would be the flash. You would have a brief amount of time to react. The sonic boom can flatten buildings if the meteorite is large enough. A significant impact could trigger a earthquake. During the sonic boom and the impact shaking you will be tempted to crawl under a desk or table, or stand in a doorway. If you do either of these things during a major quake or meteorite impact, you will increase the probability that you will be hurt or killed.
Yes; you heard me correctly. What the experts have been urging people to do during an earthquake has been revised since the Haitian earthquake on 12 January 2010. Architects and engineers analyzed where victims were found in the rubble and concluded that many casualties resulted when people took shelter under furniture and inside doorways.
The best place to be when a building starts coming apart during an earthquake is next to an exterior wall. Crouch down beside it inside the building. Run outside and the building could fall on you. I noticed in Haiti that the debris that fell in the streets and rivers was almost as tall as the original buildings in some parts of the city. Buried under a story and a half of compacted steel and concrete doesn’t leave much chance of survival.
Crouch down inside the building near an outside wall. These walls are usually structurally supportive. They are stronger because they are holding up stuff. If the building comes apart, the floors above you usually will fall at an angle, sliding down the wall towards you and hopefully coming to stop above your head, giving you a small triangle of space to survive until help finds you. Another place to take refuge is beside a table or sturdy desk, not under! The floor or ceiling comes crashing down, crushes the table or desk but stops short of flattening it. Again you have a chance of a triangle cavity forming next to the crushed desk, bed, or table that keeps you alive until help finds you.
Standing a doorway is just plain dumb. Most doors are not built inside a structural wall. They are in simple partitions that have the bearing strength of a cereal box. Even if you stand in a doorway that is in a structural wall, the frame is likely to crush as the beam above it shifts off its 4″ bearing pad, slamming you like Bam bam’s club. I was going to include a picture of the Flintstones Bam Bam but I run the risk of copyright infringement. Please Google Bam Bam and view during the remainder of this post. Anyway, stay out of doorways !
It is no surprise to me that this meteorite event happened the same time of the year as the Haitian 7.0 earthquake on January 12th, 2010, the Solomon Islands 8.0 earthquake and tsunami on February 6th, 2013 , the Sendai 7.3 earthquake and small tsunami on December 7th, 2012, the Sendai 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in Japan on March 18, 2011, and the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December, 2004.
I have noticed a pattern of impacts on Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Mars each time these planets have crossed into this side of the solar system. Earth seems to experience major disasters whenever it comes around the sun into this region, starting in early December and waning by mid March. I believe there is a ring of comets and asteroids orbiting a companion star to our sun. I think that most of these objects are smaller than a 1/2 mile in diameter thus making them difficult to detect. I believe this ring passes through our solar system constantly creating a gravity wave that triggers seismic events, weather disasters, and flings small asteroids and comets into our atmosphere. I believe the massive dust storms on mars are caused by small comet fragments seeding Mars’ atmosphere each time the planet comes around into the kill zone.
I am attaching a power point I gave last year on the topic of pyramids and their possible function to serve as shelters and escape platforms during natural disasters such as impacts, earthquakes, eruptions, and tsunamis.
2012 11 13 Zach Bower’s Science Class PDF version
Towards the end of the power point I chronicle the impacts on the planets that seem to have gone largely unnoticed by the public. The most recent impacts I have predicted before they occurred. I suppose more attention will be focused on the topic now, especially if another asteroid flies past the earth expectantly after 2012DA14 makes its fly by. Which should be happening right about now.
If something unexpected hits the earth in the next few days or weeks, please stop back to my site. I will have some more to talk about after I step away from my crushed desk.
Watch for slowly released news pieces about the possibility of our sun sharing an orbit with a binary twin. I believe NASA is being authorized to introduce this information slowly so as to not panic us. They may need to speed up the process to match the sun and its companion’s time table.
Thank you for reading.